American Export Chamber goes live with essCert electronic Certificates of Origin (eCOs)

The American Export Chamber (AEC) is now live with essCert electronic Certificates of Origin (eCOs).
AEC is a business-driven organization committed to increasing knowledge, compliance, and growth of international trade in the United States, and has vast expertise in providing support to American Exporters and Forwarders with respect to export documents such as Certificates of Origin.
AEC’s members and clients are now able to apply for eCOs via the secure essCert solution, with AEC subsequently reviewing these applications online and electronically signing, stamping, and returning eCOs to applicants.
The Chamber is looking to achieve 100% paperless certification by the end of 2022, such that all CO applications, reviews and approvals are handled electronically. AEC also recently became one of the first US Chambers to join the ICC CO Accreditation Chain, with which essCert is fully integrated.
Commenting on the recent go-live, Megan Gill Stempin, Interim President and CEO, American Export Chamber, said: “Working with essCert to digitize our Certificate of Origin processes is a key component of our ongoing efforts to provide value-adding services to our members and clients, who can benefit from a very simple, secure and fast process for their CO applications. We also expect a major reduction in administration time for COs handled by our documentation team, as we move to a more digital process for CO management”.
AEC joins a network of 400+ Chambers of Commerce issuing eCOs out of 21 export countries for imports into over 190 countries across the globe.
Register to apply for eCOs with the American Export Chamber.
Contact essCert to find out more or if you are a Chamber of Commerce / Certifying Body seeking immediate assistance in digitizing your CO and trade document processes.