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Digital Trade Insights Q3 2024

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Paperless Trade
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electronic bill of lading
25 by 25 Pledge
  Digital Trade Insights Q3 2024 HEADER

In our latest quarterly issue: More countries commit to enacting MLETR-aligned legislation recognizing eBLs and other negotiable instruments, unlocking mass adoption of digital trade through interoperability and common standards, tech-enabled decarbonization efforts in shipping + much more! + SUBSCRIBE

Industry News & Views

WTO ECOMMERCEWTO e-commerce deal commits countries to digital trade document laws: Almost 100 countries set to commit to adopting the UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Transferable Records (MLETR), after years of negotiations over WTO digital trade rules (source: GTR). + READ MORE

BIMCO 25X25BIMCO's "25 by 25" campaign reaches 25.1% eBL adoption in first year: ICE CargoDocs customers BHP, Rio Tinto, Vale and Anglo American have collectively surpassed use of eBLs for 25% of their annual seaborne trade volumes in iron ore (source: BIMCO). + READ MORE

GLOBAL MARITIME FORUMMaritime industry's transformative journey towards a zero-emission future: Key takeaways from a report on zero-emission & decarbonization projects, focusing on technologies to help shipping decarbonize by 2050 (source: Global Maritime Forum via Linkedin). + READ MORE

DEUTSCHE BANK TRADE FINANCEA Guide To Digital Trade Finance: Deutsche Bank releases its revised Guide to Digital Trade Finance, feat. updates and insights into the current state of play around legal frameworks, data standards, plus digitalization challenges and opportunities (source: Deutsche Bank). + READ MORE

KTDDE 22 CASE STUDIESKey Trade Documents and Data Elements (KTDDE) on the Frontlines: Following ICC DSI’s final KTDDE report in Q2 2024, the industry group recently launched a report feat. 22 case studies on areas where using digital trade docs and data standards is critical (source: ICC). + READ MORE

THAILAND MLETRThailand’s Proposed Electronic Transaction Bill: An update on Thailand’s proposed Electronic Transaction Bill (ETB), including a key recent addition being the introduction of ‘Electronic Transferable Records’ (ETRs) to align with MLETR (source: The Legal Co.). + READ MORE

UNECE ICCUNECE & ICC urge for global adoption of unified digital trade standards: UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) & ICC DSI issue call to action to accelerate adoption of globally interoperable standards essential for achieving digital trade (source: UNECE). + READ MORE

AUSTRIA ECMRAustria becomes latest country to go paperless with e-CMR: Becomes the 37th country to join e-CMR, the digital protocol to the UN CMR convention for international road freight, setting a legal foundation for fully paperless consignment notes (source: IRU). + READ MORE

SIRE 2.0SIRE 2.0 goes Live: First major update to the tanker industry’s Ship Inspection Report Program (SIRE) since 1993 – providing an enhanced, digitalized program aimed at futureproofing the process in line with evolving risks, technology, expertise, and regulations (source: OCIMF). + READ MORE

DCSA REPORTState of the Industry Report 2024 – Digital Evolution in Container Shipping: Recent Digital Container Shipping Association (DSCA) report explores progress made, challenges faced, and the role of standards in driving change across the liner shipping space (source: DCSA). + READ MORE

BANKS FRAUD GTRBanks warned over “collusion” in trade documents fraud: ICC's International Maritime Bureau warns of significant increase in fraud cases where supply chain participants collude to manipulate trade documents, such as paper BLs, at the expense of banks (source: GTR). + READ MORE

UKRAINE UK DEALUK-Ukraine Digital Trade Agreement enters into force: A summary of the UK-Ukraine Digital Trade Agreement (DTA) which recently entered into force and provides for, among other areas, acceptance of electronic trade documentation (source: FinChannel). + READ MORE

WEF LDCsHow digitalization can drive sustainable supply chains in LDCs: Exploring successful supply chain digitalization initiatives in less developed countries (LDCs) to address key sustainability concerns, leveraging technologies such as AI, blockchain and IoT (source: WEF). + READ MORE

HINRICH DEVELOPING COUNTRIESPaperless trade powers developing countries’ access to global supply chains: Making the case for adopting MLETR, ICC’s Uniform Rules for Digital Trade Transactions (URDTT) and eBL standards, to unblock access to global supply chains (source: Hinrich Foundation). + READ MORE

BALTIC EXCHANGE DECARBONIZATIONBetter emissions baselines needed to navigate complex regulation: Guidance on navigating complex regulation like the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS), to ensure shipping players remain compliant whilst mitigating associated risks (source: Baltic Exchange). + READ MORE

UAE FRAUDUAE Exposes Alarming Surge in Trade-Based Money Laundering Cases: Report by the UAE’s financial intelligence unit reveals a staggering 41% of local trade-based money laundering (TBML) cases involve fraudulent paper BLs and invoices (source: Regtech Times). + READ MORE

BANGLADESH PAPERLESSWith paperless shipping, Bangladesh could earn $0.6B more in exports: According to a UNESCAP panelist at a local ICC roundtable, the country could reduce trade costs by 11-12% and earn $0.6B more in exports by going paperless (source: The Financial Express). + READ MORE

AU GOVConsultation to inform options for implementing MLETR in Australia: Australian Attorney-General’s Dept. recently issued a public consultation seeking views from industry, legal, and tech providers on implementing MLETR-aligned legislation (source: Australian Govt.). + READ MORE

ICE Digital Trade News

MEET IDT SIBOSMeet ICE Digital Trade at Sibos 2024: Excited to be attending Sibos 2024 in Beijing to meet with our customers, partners and all those interested in talking digital trade and accelerating the transition together. + READ MORE

ICE Digital Trade in Numbers

Paperless Insights Q3 2024 Metrics


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